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Back in sunny (and still very warm) Arizona! A few of the homeys got in some practice today before the contest at ACP this weekend! Peep the photos and share the goods!!!


This wrist band is like an all access pass to everything awesome and I got one!

Just a couple a shadows peepin the track.

The other side of those shadows. Reid (Raheem) Snyder, Jaisaac Sloan, and Colt 45.

The coach showed up! Justin Buckelew.

Colt 45 rockin a sweet hat thingy.

Heather and Raheem trying to figure out if he can ride today.

Mikeys Nike's getting everything unloaded and the pit hooked up.

Jaisaac getting his gear right. He looks very concentrated.

Almost ready......

Jaisaac getting right to it.

A person from Arizona is called an Arizonan.

Jaisaac gettin all awesome.

Thanks insidermx.com for putting it all together.

Who brought the dolphin sun shades? ha ha

The coolest little air compressor I've ever seen.

Colt 45 gettin loose.

Four Corners is noted as the spot in the United States where a person can stand in four states at the same time.

Jaisaac out of a turn with speed.

Colt 45 with a foot off.

Colt stayin low and fast.

The world famous ACP incase you forgot....

Jaisaac slowing down the traffic cuz a homey went down...What a nice guy!

Jaisaac flying across the sky like superman.

Jaisaac kicking some roost!

The Palo verde is the official state tree of Arizona. Its name means green stick and it blooms a brilliant yellow-gold in April or May.

Jaisaac out of a turn without hitting the burm...That almost rhymed ha ha.

Jaisaac trying to kick his number plate.

Turquoise is the official state gemstone of Arizona. The blue-green stone has a somewhat waxy surface and can be found throughout the state.

Jaisaac turning left.

Check these guys out. They are awesome..... Mika.

Tristan Truax throwing em up!

Lets get this sag checked mane!

Gotta give a shoutout to Utopia goggles.

Reid (Raheem) Snyder throws one up for the ratchets.

Reid flying in the mountains.

Jaisaac turning hard for Mikeys Nike's.

Colt 45 gets steezy in the air up there.

Mikey washing off the number plate that Jaisaac kicked earlier.

Tristan trying to stomp out all that dust back there.

Jaisaac helping Tristan calm the dust with a hefty boot stomper in the air.

Tristan saying hello.

Colt 45 playing in a duststorm.

Get out of the storm Colt!

Mid training holler atcho boy.

Justin telling someone how high they have to jump to clear over Colt in this section. Just kiddin ha ha ha.

Jaisaac turning in a hurry.

Arizona became the 48th state on February 14, 1912.

The always photogenic Mikeys Nike's!

Fresh number plate!

Colt 45 chillin in the pit after his bike blew up.

These beautiful mountains surround ACP.

Mikeys Nike's just chillin.

Jaisaac van stomp a bottle.

The homeys just relaxing in the pit after a hard day of riding and training.

Sunset #1.

The colors of a sunset are caused by dust. Maybe thats why there's always such rad sunsets at motocross tracks ha ha.

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